Healing with Yoga: An 8-Week Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Group

Do you identify as a trauma survivor? Join a curious & brave eight-week series designed by and for trauma survivors.
Each class will help you:
- Build greater awareness of your innate strength, choices, and interior life;
- Create a grounded, safe place to connect with your body;
- Listen to your body's sensations and desires in an affirming circle of others;
- Reflect individually and together about what you experienced. Classes will begin with a check-in circle and close with a time for reflection and journaling.
- Dates: Eight Mondays (9/9, 9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, & 10/28)
- Time: 7:00-8:15pm (in-person)
- Location: Vital Integrative Medicine | 200 Del Mar Blvd. Ste. 216 Pasadena, CA 91105
Benefits of Yoga for Survivors
Trauma-sensitive yoga is a clinically-studied intervention that prioritizes opportunities for survivors to restore their own felt sense of agency and power that is often compromised as a result of trauma. Trauma-sensitive yoga can hold space with you as you integrate your whole self after a traumatic event, relationship, or prolonged experience. When practiced regularly, trauma-sensitive yoga has been shown to reduce PTSD symptoms, both in intensity and presentation frequency. Yoga’s traditional focus on acceptance, nonviolence, and physical sensation as a form of knowledge, can play an important part in creating a healing and generative practice.
This is a closed group offered for all self-identifying trauma survivors and does not accept drop-ins. This format ensures survivors have the opportunity to connect with themselves and to build community with one another.
After you pay and register, you will be sent a personal invitation email with details about the space, parking logistic, and a few forms to fill out to ensure the safety of all participants.
Refunds will be offered through 9/8 at midnight.
Reduced fee spots are still available.
Questions, refund requests, and reduced fee inquiries can be sent to: hi.movewithcait@gmail.com.